Moths have an affinity for eating delicate fabrics like wool, silk, cashmere, and natural fur.

For years, people stored their clothes made of these materials with mothballs. While they do discourage insects, they do leave a distinctive odor on clothes and are full of dangerous chemicals.

Do you want to protect your fine fabrics?

Try one of these natural alternatives:

Protective zip bag (simple and effective)

If you own some cashmere clothing, you really want to protect this precious fabric from the moths as if you don't, they will have a feast with your favorite cashmere clothes.

The easiest way to protect your cashmere from the moths is to use a protective zip bag. Basically, you would want to create a physical barrier between these annoying little insects and your clothes: a protective zip bag would do just fine.

We know how annoying it is... you pick your loved cashmere shawl from the wardrobe and realize later in the day that it has little holes in it. We have all been there at least once.

That's why all our cashmere garments and accessories are provided with an elegant protective zip bag to make sure you can safely store your cashmere and make it last a lifetime.


Before the invention of mothballs, most seasonal clothes were stored with cedar chips. Cedarwood has a pleasant scent that these insects simply can’t stand. Because it keeps moths at bay, storage chests and wardrobes are often made from cedar. You can get the same preserving benefits by hanging cedar sachets with your stored clothing. It also comes in wooden blocks that you can place in storage containers.

Essential Oils

Do you want to keep moths away from your delicate clothes without needing to rewash them? Some of your favorite essential oils are also powerful insect repellers. Choose oils such as arborvitae, cedarwood, or rosemary, and apply it to cotton balls. Place them in various places of your closet or shelves. You can also use put dried herbs in a wiffle ball or sachet to put in the closet or seal up with your clothes. When you take your things out of storage, they will have a refreshing scent.

Vacuum-Packed Bags

With new storage technology, you can save space and keep your fabrics safe from insects. Vacuum-pack bags come in several handy sizes and can be purchased inexpensively in most department stores. Put your fine blankets, coats, or clothes in the resealable bag. Place your vacuum hose in the bag’s valve, and suck out all the air. It compresses your items tightly and gives you more room when storing them. For an extra punch, add a fresh herb sachet to your vacuum-packed clothes.

Natural Moth Traps

If you store your sensitive fabrics in a wardrobe, you may consider using natural moth traps. There are several brands available. These non-toxic, odorless traps use natural pheromone oil to lure male moths away from your clothes. When the moths enter the trap, they get stuck and die.. When the trap is full, all you do is pitch it. Most of these ingenious moth traps will last approximately twelve weeks. You do not need foul, hazardous mothballs for preserving your favorite seasonal clothes. Consider some of these remedies to combat the insect issue. Clothes, blankets, and coats will be as fresh as when you put them in storage.